
실제 하나님의 구원을 찬양하세 ─ 전능하신 하나님 교회 국도찬미 합창 (中) 제16회

하나님이 인류를 구원하기 위해 사탄과 싸우는 내막을 알고 싶지 않습니까?
하나님이 말세에 왜 성육신하셔서 인자로 역사하시는지 알고 싶지 않습니까?
제16회 전능하신 하나님 교회 합창, 구성지고 은은한 곡으로 서막을 열어 당신을 찾아갑니다. 하나님 선민이 마음을 담아 부르는 노래 ‘하나님이 육신 되어야 할 필요성’, ‘하나님은 심판을 지니고 강림하셨다’는 하나님의 영이 육신에 실제화 된 의의를 알려 주고, 인류가 수천 년 동안 풀지 못했던 심오한 비밀을 알려 주며, 전 인류에 대한 하나님의 사랑과 구원을 체험하게 합니다. 함께 들어볼까요?

[동방번개전능하신 하나님 교회는 예수님의 재림말세의 그리스도 ‘전능하신 하나님 중국에서의 역사로 말미암아 탄생된 것이지 사람이 세운 것이 아닙니다그리스도는 진리생명이십니다하나님의 말씀을 읽어보면 하나님께서 이미 나타나셨음을 알게 됩니다.

讚美實際神的拯救 全能神教會國度讚美中文合唱 第十六輯



Almighty God's Word "How Peter Came to Know Jesus" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God says, "During his time following Jesus, he had many opinions of Him and always judged Him from his own perspective. Although he had a certain degree of understanding of the Spirit, Peter was not very enlightened, hence his words when he said: 'I must follow he who is sent by the heavenly Father. I must acknowledge he who is chosen by the Holy Spirit.' He did not understand the things Jesus did and received no enlightenment. After following Him for some time he grew interested in what He did and said, and in Jesus Himself. He came to feel that Jesus inspired both affection and respect; he liked to associate with Him and stay beside Him, and listening to Jesus' words rendered him supply and help. Over the time he followed Jesus, Peter observed and took to heart everything about His life: His actions, words, movements, and expressions. He gained a deep understanding that Jesus was not like ordinary men. Although His human appearance was exceedingly ordinary, He was full of love, compassion, and tolerance for man. Everything He did or said was of great aid to others, and by His side Peter saw and learned things he had never seen or had before."

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.


Love God Even More Under the Persecution and Tribulation | "Sweetness in Adversity" (Movie Trailer)

Love God Even More Under the Persecution and Tribulation | "Sweetness in Adversity" (Movie Trailer)

Christian Han Lu was monitored and tracked by the CCP police officers, which led to her capture. The police officers have brutally tortured her, and they have also used rumors to try to brainwash her, used her family to try and coerce her, and other despicable methods to try to threaten her in an attempt to compel her to deny God and betray God. However, under the guidance of the word of God, Han Lu has made it through many interrogations under torture and has powerfully refuted the various rumors and fallacies of the CCP with truth. Within the bitter environment of the CCP's persecution, a beautiful and resounding testimony has been made …

True Faith in God | Short Film "God Is My Strength"

She was once a young girl full of dreams for the future. After graduating from college, she stepped into society and started her own business. During that period, she met with many frustrations and saw the darkness of society. The cruel reality tore up her dream and made her feel desolate and sorrowful. Later, she was fortunate to accept Almighty God’s work in the last days, and her numb heart was gradually awakened by God’s word. Moved by God’s word, she began to preach the gospel and bear testimony to God. In May 2006, an unexpected arrest broke her tranquil life. During the interrogation, she suffered malicious tortures from the vicious CCP policemen, and personally experienced Satan’s affliction and trampling of man. So many times when she was extremely miserable, God’s words kept leading and enlightening her and gave her the strength to live on. In the end, even the vicious policemen said with admiration that she was tougher than Liu Hulan. Through that experience, she realized that Almighty God is the truth, the way, and the life. And only Almighty God is the source of man’s life, and only Almighty God’s word is the strength of man’s life, which can lead man to overcome Satan and gain the freedom of soul.

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Guidance of God's Love | Short Film "Awakening"

She is Zhao Xin, an ordinary woman born in a remote mountain area. She had a happy family. However, she became the “sinner” in the eyes of her family, relatives, and friends after her arrest by the CCP government for her belief in the Lord Jesus. In 2003, she fortunately accepted Almighty God’s end-time salvation. Unexpectedly, she suffered more frenzied persecution from the government and deeper misunderstanding from her family because of that. As a result, she couldn’t go home and was separated with her sons…. 
On December 16th, 2012, she was arrested by the CCP when preaching the gospel and suffered the evil cops’ slander, humiliation, and cruel torture…. In those hard and intolerable days, God always accompanied her by her side, giving her unfailing faith and strength, guiding her through one difficulty after another, and enabling her to bear a strong and resounding testimony before the evil cops, her family, and neighbors. Due to many years of persecution and tribulation, she saw clearly that the CCP government is the “bane” that destroys happy families and the root of all evil!

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.




1 我們既要尋找神的腳蹤,那就得尋找尋找神的心意,尋找神的說話,尋找神的發聲,尋找神的說話,尋找神的發聲,因為哪裡有神的新說話哪裡就有神的聲音,哪裡有神的腳蹤哪裡就有神的作為,哪裡有神的發表哪裡就有神的顯現,哪裡有神的顯現哪裡就有真理、道路、生命的存在。

2 你們尋找神的腳蹤都忽略了「神是真理、道路、生命」這句話,所以很多人得著了真理也不認為是找到了神的腳蹤,更不承認是神的顯現,這是多麼嚴重的失誤!神的顯現不可能合乎人的觀念,更不可能是按著人的要求而顯現。神作工作有自己的選擇有自己的選擇,有自己的計劃,更有自己的目標,有自己的方式有自己的方式。他作什麼作什麼工作都沒有必要與人商量,徵求人的意見,更不用通知每一個人,這是神的性情,更是每一個人都當認識到的。

3 你們要想看見神的顯現,要想跟隨神的腳蹤,就首先從自己的觀念中走出來,不要苛求神應該這樣作那樣作,更不要把神限制在你的範圍裡,限制在你的觀念裡,而是應當要求你們自己該怎樣尋求神的腳蹤、接受神的顯現,怎樣順服神的新工作,這才是人當做的。因為人都不是真理,人都不具備不具備真理,因為人都不是真理,人都不具備不具備真理,人該做的就是尋求就是尋求、接受、順服,人該做的就是尋求、接受、順服。
