
Chinese Drama | Chinese Choir Episode 9 | Beautiful Voice

Music comes from the praise of the heart, Dance comes from the desire of the soul. Choir of the Church of Almighty God Presents the misery and joy of life and the salvation of God in the form of musical. On the stage of life, everyone performs different roles and puts on different and unexpected plots every day. Choir of the Church of Almighty God interprets all sorts of life with their vivid dance and beautiful voice. Beautiful chorus conveys the voice of calling of God. Arousing people's spirit and expelling the darkness from your life, God will guide you into the real happiness and let your life burst out beautiful luster!

Through six thousand years of tempest and storm, men have walked with satan. They no longer believe in the existence of God, no longer understand the truth about being a man, but rely on the wicked to adapt to the rules of life of this evil mankind. Science, knowledge, fame and gain, position, money, and pleasure become the idols in their hearts and the goals of their pursuit. They scramble for fame and gain, intrigue and fight against each other. They live in Hades and hell, tasting the bitterness. They groan in misery, with no help or hope….

Just like that, men keep away from God and evade God’s care and keeping, but God is still concerned about them. To save men from satan’s domain completely, he served as man’s sin offering. Today, in the end time, he came among men in the flesh again. He expresses the word to judge and chastise men to save men out of misery. Then they will know that only God is the fountain of man’s life, only God rules over everything of man and provides man with what he needs, and only God is worthy for man to obey and worship….

Do you feel the desolation of your life? Do you feel empty in your soul? Are you trudging along your way? Did you lose the direction of your life? … Do not be perplexed. Do not cry. Almighty God has been awaiting your return all along. His word can solve all of your confusion and show you a bright way of life….

1.The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind
2.Man’s True Condition of Being Corrupted by Satan
3.The Practical God Saves Men in Obscurity
4.The Result God's Work Will Produce in the End

Faith-Hope-Love | Xiaozhen’s Story | Musical Drama “ https://goo.gl/dY8dcA
Gospel Movie “Stinging Memories “ https://goo.gl/WuyWex
Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Holy Kingdom Has Appeared" https://goo.gl/1sRlQB
Kingdom Songs of Praise "See Who Testifies God Better" https://goo.gl/mQmXdd

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org


전능하신 하나님 교회 합창 《만국이 다 와서 당신의 빛을 따르네 》

[동방번개] 전능하신 하나님 교회는 예수님의 재림—말세의 그리스도 '전능하신 하나님'의 중국에서의 역사로 말미암아 탄생된 것이지 사람이 세운 것이 아닙니다. 그리스도는 곧 진리, 길, 생명이십니다. 하나님의 말씀을 읽어보면 하나님께서 이미 나타나셨음을 알게 됩니다.

아…… 아…… 아…… 
하나님은 이런 말씀을 한 적이 있다 
하나님이 말씀하면 말한 대로 이루니 
어느 누구도 개변시킬 수 없다
아…… 아…… 아…… 아…… 
이전에 한 말씀이든 이후에 할 말씀이든 
일일이 응하여 모든 사람에게 보이게 한다 
우주의 매사는 (우주의 매사는) 
다 하나님이 결정한다 (하나님이 결정한다) 
어떤 일이 하나님 손에 (하나님 손에) 있지 않는가? 
하나님이 어떻게 말씀하면 그대로 이룬다 (아……) 
사람이 누가 하나님 심지를 개변시킬 수 있는가? (아……) 
어떤 것도 하나님 계획의 전진을 막을 수 없다 (아……) 
하나님은 무시부재로 역사한다 (아……) 

하나님은 무시부재로 경영을 계획한다 
사람이 누가 간섭할 수 있는가? 
하나님이 친히 모든 것을 배치하는 것이 아닌가? 
오늘 이 경지에 (이 경지에) 들서도 
여전히 하나님 계획과 예상을 
(계획과 예상을) 벗어나지 못하는데 
하나님이 일찍이 예정한 것이다 (예정한 것이다) 
하나님이 일찍이 예정한 것이다 (아……) 
하나님의 백성은 반드시 하나님 음성을 들어야 한다 
진실로 하나님을 사랑하는 사람은 
하나님의 보좌 앞으로 돌아올 것이다! (아……) 
하나님의 백성은 반드시 하나님 음성을 들어야 한다
진실로 하나님을 사랑하는 사람은 
하나님의 보좌 앞으로 돌아올 것이다! (아……) 
하나님의 백성은 반드시 하나님 음성을 들어야 한다
진실로 하나님을 사랑하는 사람은 
하나님의 보좌 앞으로 돌아올 것이다! (아……) 
하나님의 보좌 앞으로 돌아올 것이다!

《말씀이 육신에서 나타남》에서 발췌

동방번개전능하신 하나님 교회는 예수님의 재림—말세의 그리스도 전능하신 하나님의 중국에서의 역사로 말미암아 탄생된 것이지 사람이 세운 것이 아닙니다그리스도는 곧 진리생명이십니다하나님의 말씀을 읽어보면 하나님께서 이미 나타나셨음을 알게 됩니다.

복음직통전화 070-7516-7062 /1566-2851


《小真的故事》 告別假面 回歸本真


推薦:福音電影《神的名更換啦?!》 https://goo.gl/XbnOxu
推薦:天國的福音《虛心的人有福了》 https://goo.gl/szBHQ5
推薦:耶穌再來的福音《鐵證——聖經揭祕》 https://goo.gl/cvdDuW
推薦:一個「法利賽人」的懺悔《往事如刺》 https://goo.gl/fDqMhN
推薦:拯救之音 全能神教會中文合唱 第十二輯 https://goo.gl/vi0yuV
推薦:愛的呼喚 全能神教會國度讚美中文合唱 第十一輯 https://goo.gl/AnaDcy
推薦:國度詩歌《讚美神的大功已告成》 https://goo.gl/24oeNW
推薦:真情演繹人生舞台劇 全能神教會國度讚美 中文合唱團 第九輯 https://goo.gl/beOfrJ 





推薦:國度詩歌《讚美神的大功已告成》 https://goo.gl/24oeNW 
推薦:鼓樂讚美全能神《聖潔國度出現了》 https://goo.gl/D71fIF 
推薦:舉國歡騰—新疆舞《看誰把神見證得好》 https://goo.gl/UWHzbY 
推薦:拯救之音 全能神教會中文合唱 第十二輯 https://goo.gl/vi0yuV 
推薦:全能神教會國度讚美中文合唱 第十輯 https://goo.gl/OUwsya 
推薦:天籟之音 全能神教會中文合唱 第十一輯 https://goo.gl/g8mlM1 
推薦:真情演繹人生舞台劇 全能神教會國度讚美 中文合唱團 第九輯 https://goo.gl/beOfrJ 


Rock Choir | Chinese Choir Episode 11 | Music of the Heart

The Lord Jesus has descended on the white cloud among us with His judgment, righteousness and original disposition, showing mankind true God Godself: bestowing His mercy abundantly and casting out His anger fiercely. He has always forgiven man with His mercy and warned man with His anger. His mercy, lovingkindness, majesty and wrath make people have a fear of Him. His holiness and righteousness make people see the hope, the appearance of light and righteousness and the scene that the Savior has already returned on the white cloud. Only God can see through the world’s evilness and corruption, only God can console this mankind who is moaning, only God can save man from the boundless sea of misery! In God, everything has been predestined, God’s people will surely listen to God’s voice. Under God’s righteous judgment, all those who truly love God will surely return before God’s throne.

Faith-Hope-Love | Xiaozhen’s Story | Musical Drama “ https://goo.gl/dY8dcA
Gospel Movie “Stinging Memories “ https://goo.gl/zRNcG6
Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Holy Kingdom Has Appeared" https://goo.gl/1sRlQB
Kingdom Songs of Praise "See Who Testifies God Better" https://goo.gl/mQmXdd

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

Worship Music | Chinese Chorus "All Nations Come to Your Light"

All Nations Come to Your Light

You open Your broad bosom and caress the moaning mankind. (Ay….) You wave Your mighty arms and show Your shining eyes. (Ay….) Your love and mercy recycle endlessly. (Ay….) Your hidden glorious countenance reappears. (Ay….) In the lastingly desolate world, (ay…) brilliant rays are shining again. (Ay….) Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey…. (Ay….) This evil and fallen world needs the reappearance of the Redeemer. (Ah….) You bring hope to mankind and end the two-thousand-year expectation. (Ay….)

You open Your broad bosom and caress the moaning mankind. You wave Your mighty arms and show Your shining eyes. Your love and mercy recycle endlessly. Your hidden glorious countenance reappears. In the lastingly desolate world, brilliant rays are shining again. This evil and fallen world needs the reappearance of the Redeemer. You bring hope to mankind and end the two-thousand-year expectation.

You open Your broad bosom (open Your bosom) and caress the moaning mankind (the moaning mankind). You wave Your mighty arms (wave Your arms) and show Your shining eyes (show Your eyes). This evil and fallen (evil and fallen) world needs the reappearance of the Redeemer (the reappearance of the Redeemer). You bring hope to mankind (hope to mankind) and end the two-thousand-year expectation (the two-thousand-year expectation). Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey…. All nations come to Your light. (Ah….) They will be free from the attack of the evil one. (Ah….) Let the darkness never exist. (Ay….) Let Your holy name be praised forever! (Ay….) Let Your holy name be praised forever! (Yeah!)

You open Your broad bosom and caress the moaning mankind. (Ay….) You wave Your mighty arms and show Your shining eyes. (Ay….) This evil and fallen world needs the reappearance of the Redeemer. (Ay….) You bring hope to mankind and end the two-thousand-year expectation. (Ay….) Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey…. Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey … ah hey…. This evil and fallen world (ay…) needs the reappearance of the Redeemer. (Ay….) You bring hope to mankind (ay…) and end the two-thousand-year expectation. (Ay….) Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey…. Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey…. Ah hey … ah hey … ah hey….

Faith-Hope-Love | Xiaozhen’s Story | Musical Drama “ https://goo.gl/dY8dcA
Gospel Movie “Stinging Memories “ https://goo.gl/zRNcG6
Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Holy Kingdom Has Appeared" https://goo.gl/1sRlQB
Kingdom Songs of Praise "See Who Testifies God Better" https://goo.gl/mQmXdd

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

Praise God | Chinese Chorus "God Bestows His Mercy Abundantly and Casts Out His Anger Fiercely"

1. God Bestows His Mercy Abundantly and Casts Out His Anger Fiercely

God’s mercy and tolerance indeed exist, but at the same time God’s holiness and righteousness in His casting out anger make men see the aspect of His being unoffendable.

When man can, can fully listen to God’s command and do as God requires, God bestows His mercy abundantly on man, bestows His mercy abundantly on man. When man is full of, full of corruption and is full of hatred and hostility toward God, God will cast out His anger fiercely. And to what extent will God cast out His anger? To the extent that man’s resistance and evil deeds will never again be seen by God or exist before God’s eyes. To what extent will God cast out His anger? To the extent that man’s resistance and evil deeds will never again be seen by God or exist before God’s eyes. Only then will God’s anger be gone.

No matter who a man is, if his heart has been away from God and has departed from God, being irretrievable, no matter how his body or his mind desires to worship God, follow God, and obey God outwardly and subjectively, once his heart has departed from God, God will constantly cast out His anger. Worse still, when God casts out His anger fiercely, when God has given him enough opportunities, God’s anger will not be withdrawn, and He will never, will never give, give mercy and tolerance to such a man. This is the aspect of God’s disposition being unoffendable. To the kind, beautiful, and good things He is tolerant and merciful; to the evil, sinful, and vicious things He will cast out His anger fiercely, even constantly, even constantly. These are the two principal and most prominent aspects of God’s disposition that He has been expressing from beginning to end: bestowing His mercy abundantly and casting out His anger fiercely.

This is the aspect of God’s disposition being unoffendable. To the kind, beautiful, and good things He is tolerant and merciful; to the evil, sinful, and vicious things He will cast out His anger fiercely, even constantly, even constantly. These are the two principal and most prominent aspects of God’s disposition that He has been expressing from beginning to end: bestowing His mercy abundantly and casting out His anger fiercely.

This is God’s righteous disposition: bestowing His mercy abundantly and casting out His anger fiercely. This is God’s righteous disposition: bestowing His mercy abundantly and casting out His anger fiercely. This is God’s righteous disposition: bestowing His mercy abundantly and casting out His anger fiercely, bestowing His mercy abundantly and casting out His anger fiercely, bestowing His mercy abundantly and casting out His anger fiercely.
from “God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Godself (2)” in A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh

2. All Things Are in God’s Hand

Ah … ah … ah….
God once said such a word: God means what He says and will surely accomplish what He means, and no one can change, no one can change.

Ah … ah … ah … ah….
No matter whether they are the words spoken in the past or the words to be spoken in the future, they will be fulfilled one by one, so that all people will see. Everything (Everything) in the universe is determined by God (determined by God). Is there anything that is not in God’s hand (in God’s hand)? Whatever God says will be accomplished. (Ah….) Of men, who can change God’s will? (Ah….) Nothing can hinder God’s plan from advancing. (Ah….) God is working at all times. (Ah….)

God is planning His management at all times. Of men, who can interfere? Isn’t it God who personally manipulates everything? Today it has entered into this state (this state), and this is still within God’s plan and prediction (plan and prediction) and is what God has long predestined (predestined), is what God has long predestined. (Ah….) God’s people will listen to God’s voice, God’s people will listen to God’s voice, (ah…) and all those who truly love God will return to God’s throne, (ah…) return to God’s throne! (Ah….) God’s people will listen to God’s voice, God’s people will listen to God’s voice, (ah…) and all those who truly love God will return to God’s throne, (ah…) return to God’s throne! (Ah….)
God’s people will listen to God’s voice, God’s people will listen to God’s voice, (ah…) and all those who truly love God will return to God’s throne, (ah…) return to God’s throne, (ah…) return to God’s throne!

from “The First Piece of Word” of God’s Utterance to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

EasternLightning | TheChurch of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “AlmightyGod”—in China, and it isn’t established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org